Taking Shelter When Severe Weather Strikes
Taking Shelter When Severe Weather Strikes

Severe weather can strike at any time, and it’s important to know the best places to shelter in order to stay safe. Whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, or blizzard, having a safe place to go can mean the difference between life and death. Here are some of the best places to shelter from severe weather.

Lightning Safety Tips
Lightning Safety Tips

In our continuing series related to Severe Weather Awareness Week, we talk about lightning safety.  If you find yourself caught in a thunderstorm, there are several things you can do to stay safe from lightning strikes. Here are some lightning safety tips: Seek Shelter: The best way to protect yourself from lightning is to seek

Understanding Tornado Sirens
Understanding Tornado Sirens

When the serene soundscape of our community is pierced by the wail of tornado sirens, it’s a stark reminder of nature’s formidable power. Tornadoes, often unpredictable and swift, pose significant threats to life and property. In such moments, knowing how to respond swiftly and decisively can make a crucial difference. Understanding tornado sirens and the

Get Alerts When Severe Weather Approaches
Get Alerts When Severe Weather Approaches

You need to know when severe weather is approaching!  Luckily there are now a variety of ways that you can be alerted when conditions are favorable for severe weather to strike! Local News One of the easiest ways to stay aware of sever weather conditions, is to tune into your local TV news.  Chances are,

Thanksgiving Turkey Safety
Thanksgiving Turkey Safety
Cooking fires are a real risk on Thanksgiving as well as any other time of the year. Remember some safety rules! Deep fry your turkey outside on level ground away from the house, deck or overhang. Do not overfill the pot with oil. Read the instructions. Be sure your bird is thoroughly thawed and as
Fire Danger Is Extremely High In Our Area
Fire Danger Is Extremely High In Our Area
Always Keep Fire Safety In Mind Due to recent weather conditions, the threat level for fire danger is EXTREME in our area! Use these tips to keep your outdoor activities fire safe: Keep a hose or other water source nearby when burning. Prevent sparks. Keep trailer chains from dragging when you’re on the road; don’t
Church Security Awareness Training
Church Security Awareness Training

On June 25th the Chesterfield Department of Public Safety conducted Church Security Awareness training. This training was offered to churches within Chesterfield Township and covered the following topics: Securing the gathering, without the loss of a welcoming experience Legal requirements of inviting people to a gathering Fire prevention and inspection Simple and economical ways to provide security

Look Listen Learn to Prevent Fires
Look Listen Learn to Prevent Fires
Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere. The National Fire Protection Association states that 4 out of 5 U.S. fire deaths occur in the home. Look, Listen, and Learn how you can prevent deadly fires. Look Top three causes for home fires: Cooking Equipment Cooking accounts for 47% of fires, and 20% of
AFCIs: Protecting Your Home From Fires
AFCIs: Protecting Your Home From Fires
Home fires are more deadly and costly than ever. While the number of total fires and fire injuries is decreasing, property damage and fire deaths are on the rise. Each year arc-faults, caused by worn and inadequate wiring, overburdened circuits, outdated technology, and aging electrical systems, start more than 35,000 home fires causing over 1,130